
Padparadscha sapphire
Padparadscha sapphire

padparadscha sapphire

Stones from each of these areas are often heat-treated and this is done at fairly low temperatures (1200☌ and below) and such heat treatment is not always detectable.

padparadscha sapphire

However, fine stones have also been found in Vietnam’s Quy Chau district, Tanzania’s Tunduru district, and Madagascar. The original locality for padparadscha was Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and many purists today believe the term should be restricted only to stones from Ceylon. The question of just what qualifies for the princely kiss of “padparadscha” is a matter of hot debate, even among experts. Padparadscha sapphire is a special variety of gem corundum, featuring an often delicate color that is a mixture of red and yellow – a marriage between ruby and yellow sapphire. Om mani padme hum – Hail the jewel in the heart of the lotus Buddhist mantra Padparadscha Sapphire & the Ownership of Words A discussion of the definition of padparadscha sapphire, from early to modern times, along with the difficulty in standardizing such definitions.

Padparadscha sapphire