
Apache ant eclipse
Apache ant eclipse

apache ant eclipse

jHiccup is a new performance monitoring/analysis tool released under Creative Commons from Azul Systems.ShaftServer is a new DartVM Application Server.Redline Smalltalk compiler “complete” - work on the runtime begins.JSR 352 passes with two no votes - Batch JSR.JSR 292 Goodness: Almost static final fields - for the language level hackers.Orion, Eclipses Cloud IDE has gone 0.4 M1 - new and noteworthy include HTML syntax highlighting, Code Mirror syntax highlighting (including mixed-mode documents, such as htmll/javascript/php), syntax validation, content type service (to store different mime types), and much more.Google’s Eclipse plugin is now open source.JetBrains released IntelliJ IDEA 11 - a bugfix update to TeamCity was also released last week.eFX is a new JavaFX/Netbeans Platform framework.JavaFX 2.0 - Intro By Example is available on Kindle as well - didn’t realize there any books out on this.Java 7u2 released, ships with JavaFX 2.0.2 which was also released.Expand Ant Build, select each of your ant build files in the workspace, then expand the jre tab and make sure that you either have "Run in the same JRE as the workspace" checked, or your Separate JRE points to a valid installed JRE. Make sure the location of tools.jar is valid and is located where it says it is in the file system.ī) Click on Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configuration. If you changed the location of your jre / jdk:Ī) Go to Window -> Preferences -> Ant -> Runtime, and under the classpath tab, expand the Global Entries tree. If not, carefully locate the folder they are in (they are all in the same folder which is under the eclipse plugins folder) and add them again, then delete the invalid entries. Under the classpath tab, make sure the ant home entries are correct. If you changed the location of eclipse, go to Window -> Preferences -> Ant -> Runtime. You changed the location of your jdk / jre.

Apache ant eclipse